Chuck Morse Calls Out "Corporate Kelly"

August 14, 2024

Salem, NH – Gubernatorial candidate Chuck Morse issued a statement today in response to the uncovering of Kelly Ayotte's deep corporate ties to Blackstone and other multi-international companies :

"Voters deserve to know where Kelly Ayotte's loyalty truly lies: in a corporate boardroom or with the families of New Hampshire," stated Chuck Morse.

"There is a clear difference between my beliefs and that of my opponent. I grew up poor and built a small business from scratch. I still wake up every morning at 4 AM to run that business before I ever headed to Concord or hit the campaign trail.

"On the other hand, Kelly Ayotte left Washington D.C., and embedded herself in the world of corporate interests. Her substantial investments in multinational corporations like Blackstone — one of the key contributors to the housing crisis plaguing communities across our nation — make it clear that corporate Kelly’s interests do not align with those of everyday Granite Staters.

"The question every voter should be asking Kelly is what other corporate perks and advantages did she provide her corporate paymasters. New Hampshire isn't for sale and voters know they can't trust Kelly Ayotte"


" Ayotte serves on board, owns stock in nation's largest landlord"

"..candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte serves on the board of and owns extensive stock in Blackstone, a private equity firm that critics say has a history of buying distressed properties, raising rents, evicting tenants and managing some apartment complexes with deplorable conditions."
