Chuck Morse Policy

More Energy, Low Costs

When it comes to energy policy, we need a common-sense, all-of-the-above approach. As Governor, I will prioritize lowering energy costs for Granite State families and ensure that YOU get to choose the type of energy you use. As Senate President, I passed legislation to ensure Washington D.C. could not encroach on that right. New Hampshire’s law now says Washington D.C. cannot force you to use one energy source, like how New York banned gas stoves.

You don’t need to look further than our seacoast to see the downfalls of so-called top down ‘Green Energy’ policies. Right now, a wind farm is planned along our seacoast, threatening marine life and the entire fishing industry, all to the benefit of big businesses outside New Hampshire. With most of our seafood being outsourced from other countries, it’s disappointing we don’t focus on supporting local seafood from our local businesses. The first industrial-scale wind farm in the United States recently exposed the critical flaws of this energy source. A section of a 350-foot-long blade was damaged, with fiberglass chunks washing ashore, leading to the shutdown of both the wind farm and beaches on Nantucket. This is just one example of green energy gone wrong.

When it comes to lowering electric rates, we need to look beyond the Granite State. That’s one of the reasons  why I endorsed Donald Trump for President. I know he will drill for oil and bring pipelines up to New Hampshire, increasing supply and lowering costs for every family.