Chuck Morse Policy

A Granite Strong Education

Having grown up in a low-income single-parent household, I understand firsthand the importance of educational choices for New Hampshire families. As Governor, I am committed to ensuring every New Hampshire child has more educational opportunities than I had. I will pursue a comprehensive approach to strengthening our public education system while also making it easier for parents to access alternative options such as private and homeschooling. Additionally, I will advocate for parents to have an active role in their children’s education, providing them with the necessary tools to collaborate effectively with educators. Together, we can build a Granite Strong Education system in the 603.

  • Universal School Choice

As Senate President, I drove the initial passage of Education Freedom Accounts because children deserve access to the best education opportunities that fit their needs. Not only are EFA’s beneficial for the child, they’re also a financial benefit to public schools. While this program is currently limited to low-income families, as Governor, I will ensure every child has the same opportunity. Expanding Trade School Opportunities We must focus on providing our next generation with a head start in their career path that doesn’t end in them being limited by heavy college debt. As Governor, I will work to improve and expand collaboration between our schools and trade opportunities that will lay the groundwork for successful careers in our Granite State.

  • Support our Educators

According to the Learning Policy Institute New Hampshire spends nearly $4,000 more per pupil than the national average, but our average starting teacher salary is nearly $4,000 less than the national average. In order to address the teacher shortage that is affecting schools across New Hampshire we must find a way to ensure that more of the money we spend on education goes to the classroom and the teachers. Another recent study showed that between 1994 and 2022 staffing in New Hampshire schools increased by 55% even though student enrollment declined by more than 11%. Even as enrollment has been declining New Hampshire has increased inflation-adjusted school spending by more than 40%. It is not a matter of state resources, it is a matter of focusing more of the dollars we do spend on classroom teachers who need and deserve our support.


Learning Policy Institute

The Josiah Bartlett

  • Expanding Trade School Opportunities

We must focus on providing our next generation with a head start in their career path that doesn’t end in them being limited by heavy college debt. As Governor, I will work to improve and expand collaboration between our schools and trade opportunities that will lay the groundwork for successful careers in our Granite State.

  • Parental Bill of Rights

Throughout the pandemic, it became increasingly clear that parents were not always getting answers when it came to their children’s education. Parents wanted transparency about what was going on with their children in the classroom. For this reason, I drafted and passed a Parental Bill of Rights in my last term as Senate President. However, there is more that we can do to ensure that Parents have the information they need to help their children in the best way possible.